Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday Check-In: 5/4/2020

I had a rough weekend with everything.  I know that it takes a lot of hard work in order to lose weight, make your body work for you, control your eating habits, etc... and for some reason I did not do well with that this last week.  My goals were all around hitting my protein goals and making sure that my body got the nutrients it needed but I ended up eating a lot of calories and not working out as much as I was hoping for.

Every journey has its ups and downs.  I feel like this coronavirus situation has led to a lot of downs but every time I don't do well I come back more focused and ready to give it a try later on.  I think setbacks are an important part of growing.  Maybe I feel this way because of the amount of setbacks I have had in my own life, but rather than letting these situations define me, my goal has always been to define my situation.  So here we are at a new week and still miles from our goals of dropping below 20% body fat.

Here are my current stats.

weight:  240 lbs
body fat:  32%

sit-ups:  I am still unable to do 50 in a row without pausing.  This is the first goal that I gave myself on this journey and I look forward to hitting it soon.  My best from this last week was 25 reps on the first set then a slow climb to 50 afterward.  I can tell the importance of abdominal muscles while throwing and really have a strong desire to add a lot of strength to them soon.

Looking Forward:

The next goal to hit after I am able to do the 50 reps of sit-ups daily without pause is to hit 35 push-ups without pause.  This one might take a lot longer, but I have faith that through hard work I'll be able to hit this goal as well.